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Word from President
Contribution to centerpieces in achieving ESG goals

In response to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Chinese government has proposed the national goals and mile stone for "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality". Under the background of global advocacy of low-carbon environmental protection, large polluter and effluent emitter including textile dyeing and printing, paper pulping, etc. are facing huge challenges with social and environmental risk and cost pressure.

We, Jintang, were established in 2009, had started from research and development of technologies to solve fiber and fabric damage in pre-treatment of printing and dyeing of textile  using traditional alkali oxygen process. The company adopts a problem-oriented approach, focus on solving the core problems of industrial development, taking the implementation of ESG (environment, social responsibility, corporate governance) standards as its responsibility, researching and developing new chemical materials, developing new processes with related equipment. The technology had effectively used in controlling pollution sources, eliminating and reducing the discharge of pollutants, thereby effectively reducing energy and resource consumption in the production process.

The country is advocating and promoting the green transformation of various industries, and achieving high-quality and sustainable development through innovation.

The technology owned by Jintang is at the international leading level, and its products and technologies have been included in the relevant standards and industrial promotion catalogs of national ministries and commissions. This independent research and development of innovative technologies has won awards in selections hosted by national ministries and commissions and Shanghai municipal for many times, and it has been recognized by some enterprises and brand to apply.

The company has always been adhering to its culture of integrity and social corporate responsibility as the core, continuous investment in innovation. With this international leading technology, it is opening up the space for the future development of enterprises in various industries and industrial chains.

We look forward to peers from various industries, to make strong alliance with aligned effort and make progress together, to achieve the goals of SDGS (Sustainability Development Goals) proposed by the United Nations , and to contribute to the bright future of all mankind.