V1.0 The traditional processes(Before 2007):
Under meeting the product standards and quality specification, the production process of dyeing and printing is long, the amount of effluent discharge is large, and the damage to eco-social environment became a severe problem.
V2.0 The traditional processes (2008 to present):
Keeping meet product standards and quality specification, the production efficiency has not improved significantly. After strict emission standards have been implemented, and the impact on the eco-social environment has declined. The cost of effluent treatment has increased significantly, and the amount of sludge generated has also increased significantly.The comprehensive cost of production has risen,the margin of eterprises has dropped significantly, put them on the surviving edge.
Achieve zero liquid discharge of textile pre-treatment wastewater. Without changing the equipment, we use new materials and new processes to reduce energy/resource consumption within the production process of textile dyeing and printing from its source, and reduce the generation of wastewater, sludge and other pollutants. Ultimately, solid-liquid separation, zero wastewater discharge, and resource reuse are achieved.
If the client produces according to Jintang's process instruction and causes "oxidation holes" in their products, they can obtain the only product liability insurance in the world, and the loss can be compensated by the insurance company.
Alkali oxygen process accounts for 98% of pretreatment of textile dyeing and printing.
1.Fiber damage cause strength loss
The caustic soda, together its reaction with hydro-peroxide cause damage to fiber, the pretreatment without caustic soda and hydro-peroxide cannot meet the requirements of dyeing (color fastness), or even the functional requirements of the fabric.
2. Low efficiency and high consumption
The pretreatment process with caustic soda and hydro-peroxide as the main chemicals seems simple and feasible, but it is a completely non-standard, low-efficiency,
and high-consumption process.
3. Oligomers re-staining
Oligomers are low molecular weight polymers that precipitate when the pH value approaches neutrality during polyester pre-treatment and washing. When it is deposited on the surface of the fabric, it will produce color spots and stains, which will also affect the quality of yarn dyeing.
Process too long.
Energy consumption high : water/power/steam
Overall operation cost high.
The COD content in wastewater is as high as tens of thousands of ppm, and the nitrogen/ammonia/phosphorus values are also high. In addition, there are many heavy metals, etc.....
A large amount of investment is required to achieve water recycling or harmless treatment of solid waste.
Resource recycling is difficult. It is not yet possible to achieve complete ecological recycling.
Jintang technology uses a composite chemical to replace several kinds of chemical auxiliary.
It can meet the quality requirements of various kinds of fibers & fabrics
It can achieve safe and stable production process with improved quality, shortened process time (saving water, electricity and steam)
It can achieve ZLD of pre-treatment wastewater by recycling, recycle of solid waste (both solid and liquid can be recycled and reused ← solid residue as new material, liquid recycled in pre-treatment process
can remarkable reduce the comprehensive production cost.